Hacktivism (Anonymous)

/ˈhæk.tɪ.vɪ.zəm/ def. a portmanteau of ‘hacking’ and ‘activism’.

While living in French territory, I.O and I.F made a sobering and deeply personal video about their journey. The video was narrated by I.F with artwork from I.O. It was posted to YouTube and left many speechless. Soon thereafter, an e-mail arrived with a translated message of support and a link to a video. The group Anonymous had taken up their cause. This was the first time we saw Anonymous Operation: Two Good Reasons, or anonOp2GoodReasons.

Anonymous Operation: Two Good Reasons

We don’t know much about the people behind this initiative. But they are effective to say the very least. Each video, or “segment,” was launched for server reproduction on BitChute and other root servers but quickly spread to YouTube and other giant media clouds in Europe and South America. Some of the videos were translated into different languages and circulated throughout the world. It is estimated that millions have been them.

Anonymous claimed to have hacked into, and publicly disclosed information from, presumably secure databases, including:

  • Child Protection Information Network (CPIN) of Ontario;
  • Royal Bank of Canada and associated companies;
  • Registrar of Corporations for Ontario;
  • Niagara Regional Police;
  • Various secure e-mail servers, including Outlook.

The videos were released in “segments,” each targeting a particular person or agency.

  1. Segment 1: B.M and P.H.
  2. Segment 2: Niagara Region Police
  3. Segment 3: Anna Bozza, FACS Niagara, Children’s Aid Ontario
  4. Segment 4: Preparing for War.
  5. Segment 5: Voices.  War.

Alternative and mainstream media picked up on the story and, before long, news agencies in the U.S. and Europe were picking up on the story as well.

The videos ‘doxed’ people, meaning they disclosed detailed personal information and likely caused a great deal of embarrassment. Several sources within the police establishment confirm this. The chief of the Niagara Regional Police, Bryan MacColloch, who was targeted in Segment 2, resigned shortly after the video first appeared online. Some of the videos contained messages directly to the girls, encouraging them. The videos can still be found floating around the internet. This is one of the reasons we argue a publication ban of any sort is unenforceable.

The Foundation is unable to publish any links or specific URL addresses as the videos use real names and give detailed information (see: Gag Order); however, a quick search using keywords you already have will lead you right to it. This is one of many reasons censorship doesn’t work.

Anonymous is at WAR

Since Segment 5 was released, Anonymous (unknown if it is the same 2 Good Reasons group) has claimed responsibility for thousands of ‘hacks’ around the world, some quite devastating. They have struck several key government systems in Canada as well as France, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. They have released personal information about judges, politicians, militaries and leaked tens of thousands of records full of personal information. They may have been behind the sudden resignation of Toronto Mayor John Tory, and the Revenue Canada attacks. Yet, it seems politicians and senior government officials don’t get the message. They continue to act as they always have.

According to one Anonymous (anonops) website: “As of 2024, Anonymous, the loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities, continues to demonstrate its presence and activity across various global issues and events. This decentralized collective, known for its distinctive Guy Fawkes masks and its involvement in a wide range of digital protests, has remained resilient despite the evolving landscape of cybersecurity and global politics.”

There is no way to tell whether there will be a Segment 6; however, many here appreciate their participation and thank them for their Friendship.

According to their videos, Anonymous can be reached at: anonOp2GoodReasons@proton.me.


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