
Welcome to RUNNINGAWAY.CA, the official website of Friends of Two Awesome Kids Foundation, known also as the “Foundation.” The Foundation was established April 4, 2023, under a different name that can not be published [see: Gag Order]. It is a Canadian, not-for-profit corporation, incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (S.C. 2009, c.23), federal corporation number 1490910-4, business number 722916343RC0001. The Foundation is not presently a registered charity; however, we are moving in that direction. Some of the more commonly requested formative corporate documents are listed here for your convenience: articles of incorporation, charter, articles of amendment, bylaws (general). You can find more in the Proof section of this website, under Foundation Documents.

The Foundation grew out of a grassroots campaign to support I.O, I.F and David when they were forced to flee Canada for their safety [see: Background]. The Foundation is run by a group of dedicated and much appreciated volunteers, and relies heavily on the generosity of our supporters.

We organize into four teams: (a) fundraising; (b) communications; (c) eyes; and (d) action. We are building a fifth team to support others who find themselves in similar situations. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors and managed by an executive director who cannot be named publicly [see: Gag Order].

Corporate documents Please direct questions or comments to: friends@runningaway.ca.


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