The Threat

This is one of the most important pages on this site – the Pedophile Husband (P.H) – the man who sexually abused those two little girls and continues to threaten, bully and antagonize them and their family, to this day. The ongoing and ever present threats that the police and courts failed to address. redacted [see: Gag Order], we have the originals, should you require clarification.

This represents less than one fifth of the total P.H collection. This monster is still free. Wouldn’t you run too?

Pedophile Husband (P.H)

The man we call Pedophile Husband (P.H) [Proof 0], not his real name, was born at Hamilton (Ontario) Canada and, as of December 24, 2019, was 37 years old. When not in jail, or being held in various psychiatric institutions, he lives in a small town in Southern Ontario, approximately two hours from Toronto. He resides with the Biological Mother (B.M), to whom he is now married, their young child together, who cannot be named here, and occasionally his two teenage sons from a previous relationship. He does not work. He is a disability pension recipient and sells taxidermy (dead animals mounted on wood plaques) on Kijiji. He is active in the drug trade. They reside in a tiny (~750 sq. ft.) shack, owned by his parents, rented to him for cheap.

–> [Proof 0] P.H Selfie

P.H has a lengthy and violent criminal history [Proof 1]. He has also been arrested for psychiatric evaluations [Proof 2]. He has been put on “peace bonds,” sentenced to probation, ordered into in-custody psychiatric care, and imprisoned [Proof 3]. He is homicidal, suicidal and has been diagnosed with a multiplicity of serious and frightening emotional defects, including antisocial and borderline personality disorders, social anxiety disorders, cluster-b personality traits, narcissism, black-out rage and a whole host of others. He is a heavy user of drugs and alcohol [Proof 4]. The Biological Mother (B.M) knew all of this and more. His instability and sexual deviance. His being a predicate abuser, his addiction issues, anger issues, recidivism. His obsession with weapons, his history of killing animals and setting fires. She visited him while he was incarcerated at a psychiatric facility. She knew all about it [Proof 4]. She knew, yet she still introduced those two young girls to that environment, secretly so their father (David) wouldn’t find out.

–> [Proof 1] Criminal History
–> [Proof 2] Arrests for Mental Health
–> [Proof 3] Probation Order
–> [Proof 4] Psychological Assessment (Hamilton)

When he learned the truth, David set out to protect his girls. He obtained a judicial order that read ”THE CHILDREN SHALL NOT BE LEFT UNSUPERVISED WITH P.H.” [Proof 5], then another order that read ”B.M SHALL ENSURE THAT P.H IS NOT PRESENT OR IN CONTACT WITH THE CHILDREN DURING ACCESS” [Proof 6] and one that read ”AT NO TIME SHALL P.H BE LEFT ALONE WITH THE CHILDREN” [Proof 7], and about a half dozen more. But that didn’t matter. P.H refused to obey any of them, and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) at Cayuga refused to enforce them [Proof 8]. They felt it might disadvantage P.H. Seriously. The OPP was given the entire file. They were the ones who objected to P.H being released from the psychiatric facility in the first place. Their ongoing negligence meant P.H had a green light to start and continue sexualizing and abusing the girls. The relationship between P.H and the OPP is something that requires some serious investigation.

–> [Proof 5] Court Order I
–> [Proof 6] Court Order II
–> [Proof 7] Court Order III
–> [Proof 8] Police (OPP) Refuse Orders

P.H enjoys taking photographs of children who are not his, especially at his parent’s pool. He positions himself at specific places, at specific angles, and instructs them to jump in specific ways. This makes it much easier for him to get photographs of their chests, inner-thighs, bottoms and other private areas [Proof 9]. Sometimes he posts these images to Facebook; however, we have reason to believe that P.H has a large collection of these images on his home computer. David, I.O and I.F have complained to police and written to Facebook asking them to remove the images. Neither has bothered to take any action. Some of the images we managed to get our hands on are of a little girl known as “the third sister.” This girl, who we will not identify, was a close friend to the girls. They spent a lot of time together and really enjoyed each other’s company [Proof 10]; however, one day, the third sister abruptly stoped coming over. She turned away when she saw the girls. She no longer went on trips, took part in outings, etc. P.H was reported to have been acting “weird … kinda cringe” in the weeks leading up to her departure. This was reported to the Office of the Children’s Lawyer (OCL). Her name and the report of potential abuse never even made it into their case notes.

–> [Proof 9] Pool Pictures: Staged
–> [Proof 10] Pool Pictures: Third Sister

P.H sexually abused I.O and I.F. It happened more than once. B.M knew what was going on. Those little girls cried out to her for help. Once, she stood in the doorway and watched as illustrated in a sketch by I.O [Proof 11]. B.M denied it. She blamed the children. Accused them of lying. Called them all sorts of horrible names. The girls’ testimony was validated by the chief child psychologists of the French Supreme Court [Proof 12] [Proof 13]. In Europe, unlike Canada, children have the right to be heard [Insert A,B] and not just shoved along like inconvenient piles of DNA.

–> [Proof 11] Haunting emotive art sketch.
–> [Proof 12] Psychological Assessment on Girls I (fr. French)
–> [Proof 13] Psychological Assessment on Girls II (fr. French)
–> [Insert A,B] Rights of Minors: Comparison – Bottom of Page

P.H was put in for an emergency psychiatric assessment. He told the psychiatrist that he wanted to kill David. Finally, we caught a glimpse at the barrage of medication P.H is taking, and the fact that medical staff are deeply concerned about his state. So much so that they are recommending even more antipsychotic medications for P.H [Proof 14]. Not only did P.H utter threats against David, in yet another incident he told police he wanted to cut the fingers off A.N (paternal grandmother to the girls) and hang her [Proof 15].

–> [Proof 14] Emergency Psychiatric Assessment II (St. Catharines)
–> [Proof 15] Threats to mutilate and hang paternal grandmother (to police).

P.H is prohibited from firearms, but that doesn’t stop him from having guns, training on them at his local range, using targets that clearly represent I.O and I.F. He even stores them in his barn because he knows the police will do nothing. He is so brazen, he often shares photos through his cell phone and even on Facebook [Proof 16] [Proof 17] [Proof 18 ABCDE] [Proof 19] [Proof 20] [Proof 21].

–> [Proof 16] Heavy rifles at gun range, targets resemble girls.
–> [Proof 17] Complaint filed with Chief Provincial Firearms Officer
–> [Proof 18 ABCDE] Threats made by P.H, five of several hundred.
–> [Proof 19] Complaint filed with National Firearms Officer
–> [Proof 20] Alert pertinent to firearm threat.
–> [Proof 21] Response from Chief Firearms Officer (nothing was done).

P.H enjoys sexualizing children, and communicating sexual messages to children through children – e.g. P.H has caused his two sons to create a large sign inviting I.F to see their “GAME DICK,” etc. The boys held the sign and P.H took a picture and sent it directly to I.O (age eleven) [Proof 22]. This was reported to the Niagara Regional Police. It was shuffled along and no action was taken [Proof 23].

–> [Proof 22] Sexual proposition report to police (ignored).
–> [Proof 23] Sexual proposition photographic evidence (also ignored).

The girls have never been heard in Canada. The Ontario Provincial Police had a brief conversation with them but cut it short after only a few minutes, drawing their own conclusions. The Niagara Regional Police never met them, never spoke to them. Family and Children Services Niagara spoke for ten minutes. They have never appeared in a Canadian court. Never. So they had to use social media to warn the public about B.M and P.H [Proof 24], and still nobody in a position of authority would listen to them. Well, thanks to modern technology, the girls will have a voice [Proof 25 A,B,C,D].

–> [Proof 24] Girls speak out on Facebook.
–> [Proof 25 A,B,C,D] Hear their Voices.

Insert AC 364/14 EN – Official Journal of the European Communities 18.12.2000
Article 24 – The Rights of the Child

1. Children shall have the right to such protection and care as is necessary for their well-being. They may express their views freely. Such views shall be taken into consideration on matters which concern them in accordance with their age and maturity.2. In all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or private institutions, the child’s best interests must be a primary consideration.

3. Every child shall have the right to maintain on a regular basis a personal relationship and direct contact with both his or her parents, unless that is contrary to his or her interests.

Insert B


1. Judges will not usually allow minor children to take the witness stand in a trial. A consistent body of law reflects the view that it is not good for children to be drawn into parental conflict – and nothing says conflict like a trial.

2. As a rule, courts will only seriously entertain an application for a child to testify or have their own lawyer, if parents are thought to be incapable of presenting evidence of the children’s views and evidence about their best interests.


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