

Table (You are Here)
Short Summary (Thirty Second Read)
Content Warning
Full Narrartive (Fifteen Minute Read, Worth It)
Pedophile Husband (P.H)
Police Fails
Final Blow
Saint Pierre et Miquelon
Life in France
Back in Canada SSR

Short Summary (Thirty Second Read)

When I.O and I.F were just little girls, they were sexually abused by the boyfriend of their Biological Mother, and she knew all about it. The Biological Mother (B.M) turned a blind eye while her Pedophile Husband (P.H) damaged those two little girls, emotionally, spiritually and physically, and this was only the beginning.

This is about a caring and loving father giving up everything to protect his children. It’s about police negligence and corruption at the highest levels. It’s about the absolute failure of the courts, the failure of justice, activist judges drunk with power, and a perception that children are little more than chattel. It’s about a family on the run from angry officials, exposed for their wrongdoing, and determined to get revenge. It’s about what no child should ever endure. It’s about how family can stick together, no matter what. It’s about you. It’s about running away.

Content Warning

What you are about to read is horrible. It’s terrible that such a series of events could happen in Canada. It’s unbelievable. But it’s 100% true. It started in the Canadian province of Ontario, not far from Niagara Falls. Please take a moment to read this warning. Reading about the gag orders will help make better sense of it all as well. Everything here is supported by documentary evidence linked directly in the text, and in a special proof page.

Full Narrative (Fifteen Minute Read, Worth It)

This is about two amazing kids, twin girls, who we will call Immovable Object (I.O) and Irresistible Force (I.F), not their real names [see: Gag Orders]. I.O, I.F and David, their father, were pretty much a family of three from the time the girls started school. B.M never really engaged with them. She had become preoccupied with her work, friends and her own pursuits. B.M frequently demanded that David “get someone to cover for him,” at work, so he could rush home, and she could pick up an extra shift at her workplace – which made no economic sense.  Once, B.M was so driven to pick up a last minute shift, that she left the girls completely alone while David drove home from work, despite him begging her not to. They were left alone in a big farmhouse and anything could have gone wrong. But her work, and her friends, were more important.

B.M was hardly ever home and, when she was, she was pretty harsh to those around her. B.M was especially harsh to I.O, since I.O had a hearing impairment and did not respond with immediate obedience when B.M gave instruction. B.M was obviously unhappy so David left his government job to stay at home. It was an expensive decision but necessary. David gave it up happily for his girls and became a “stay at home Dad”. David went into business he could run from home. It was pretty much just the three of them. They were happy.


When the girls were seven years old, B.M moved out, leaving David and the girls behind.  She found a place in the city and would see I.O and I.F when her work schedule and social life allowed, sometimes once weekly. David extended a great degree of flexibility to B.M and encouraged the girls to see her on her schedule. It wasn’t long before B.M met P.H, and three weeks after that, B.M was pregnant. She moved again, this time more than an hour away, outside the region, into the home of P.H. to get ready for the birth of their baby.

David, credit to him, tried to connect the girls with B.M as best he could. He followed the separation agreement and then some. He encouraged the girls to see B.M, drove them out every week or two to see her, and picked them up, driving an hour each way. He would give the girls extra money so they could afford to do something together. He was even friendly toward P.H. He really tried to maintain a good parenting relationship with B.M, bending over backwards to accommodate her pregnancy and economic circumstances. He continued this goodwill after their baby was born. David and A.N both sent baby gifts and worked to develop a good relationship with both B.M and P.H.


David continued to raise the girls as a single Dad. He provided a warm, loving and caring home, making sure that the girls had strong connections to family, friends, school and community. He made friends with other parents.  David included I.O and I.F in family decision making, where appropriate, encouraged them to do their chores, and looked after their physical and emotional health, education, extracurricular activities and social life.  He inspired in them a love of language, culture, music and theatre. They became speed readers, curious about the world and technologically adept. David was busy. Very busy. The girls were the envy of many. They flourished. At the urging of David, I.O and I.F invited B.M to participate in their extracurricular activities and attend their special events, but she took no interest and never showed up.

Pedophile Husband (P.H)

History repeats. It didn’t take long for B.M to revert to her old habits. She would leave the girls with P.H while she worked sporadic hours, and spent all her remaining time with her friends. She was often absent and unable to be with I.O and I.F.  P.H was only too eager to stay home with the girls. I.O and I.F felt uncomfortable around PH.  They reported to David and A.N. that P.H was “weird,” that he left drugs lying around, and that the smell of his taxidermy hobby made them feel sick.  They also reported that he had taken them to Toronto to sell a taxidermy cow head.  He thought it would be better to have the girls with him in case he was stopped by police.  David politely but respectfully set that straight. In return, B.M refused to pay child support and, along with P.H, made a series of false and misleading complaints to police and child services.

B.M has steadfastly refused to pay child support. See here.

P.H routinely made sexually inappropriate remarks to the girls. He took secret videos of them, and in one where the girls were climbing on swing equipment, he called them “pole dancers.”  He was also getting involved in disciplinary matters, and saying nasty things about David and A.N on social media.  He often referred to I.O and I.F as “my children,” calling them “our twin girls,” and calling himself “their only real dad.”  The girls were not at all comfortable with this. They felt P.H was “creepy.” They felt uncomfortable when he sat too close to them, when he put his arms around them, and even when he spoke to them.  I.O and I.F had a friend local to B.M. She was a year or so older, very pleasant. She was a big part of their lives out there. They did a lot together. They referred to her as “the third sister.” But one day, she stopped coming around, and the girls never knew why.  They tried to call on her at her house, but her mother would only say she wouldn’t visit again.

Gradually the girls tried to avoid visits with B.M. It became increasingly more difficult for David to insist that they go. David resorted to paying them cash to go, but eventually that didn’t work either. This, despite reassurances from B.M that everything was in order, and threats that David would face legal trouble if the visits stopped. Eventually, B.M and P.H took to making false police complaints, false reports to children’s aid and laying false claims with the courts. This made having a good relationship with B.M very difficult for David. One after the other, the allegations were dropped, dismissed, closed or thrown out. P.H was furious and seemed to be on a crazy mission against David and A.N. P.H turned to social media to rant about David and A.N. David recently learned of about thirty police complaints filed by P.H that were so frivolous, they never made it past the report stage. P.H wanted to control monies meant for the girls, and to cancel all of their extracurricular activities. He was furious that his demands for custody of IO and IF were turned down.


Fortunately, David had been investigating P.H since the girls started to report their concerns, and he had amassed a lot of information. The article on this site called The Threat gives some insight into P.H. It is scary. It represents about twenty percent of the information David has unearthed but it is enough to clearly demonstrate that P.H was a serious threat to I.O, I.F, David and A.N – in fact, it clearly demonstrates that P.H is a danger to the public, and to children. Here is an excerpt from that page (The Threat):

P.H has a lengthy and violent criminal history [Proof 1]. He has also been arrested for psychiatric evaluations [Proof 2]. He has been put on “peace bonds,” sentenced to probation, ordered into in-custody psychiatric care, and imprisoned [Proof 3]. He is homicidal, suicidal and has been diagnosed with a multiplicity of serious and frightening emotional defects, including antisocial and borderline personality disorders, social anxiety disorders, cluster-b personality traits, narcissism, black-out rage and a whole host of others. He is a heavy user of drugs and alcohol [Proof 4]. The Biological Mother (B.M) knew all of this and more. His instability and sexual deviance. His being a predicate abuser, his addiction issues, anger issues, recidivism. His obsession with weapons, his history of killing animals and setting fires. She visited him while he was incarcerated at a psychiatric facility. She knew all about it [Proof 4]. She knew, yet she still introduced those two young girls to that environment, secretly so their father (David) wouldn’t find out.”

Armed with the information he had uncovered, David was able to get court orders prohibiting P.H from being alone with I.O and I.F. The girls could have their cell phones with them (something B.M had not allowed). But P.H refused to obey the orders and B.M left those two little girls alone with him anyway, knowing full well the monster he was. Worse yet, the Ontario Provincial Police refused to enforce the orders. This is also covered in The Threat. This was the start of the systemic failure, the start of the collapse of all things sane. The courts refused to stop the visitation thinking their orders would be sufficient to protect I.O and IF.  B.M gave her word that she would not leave P.H in charge of I.O and I.F.

However, the reality was that P.H was being left alone with I.O and I.F on a regular basis, unsupervised.

Police Fails

Every day, it seemed I.O and I.F grew more and more opposed to visiting B.M. They didn’t want her at their practices, recitals and other events. They were angry that the courts refused to allow them in, refused to hear what they had to say. I.O and I.F felt as if they were being muted, shuffled along as if they didn’t matter – because they didn’t matter. They would often introduce David as “our Dad, our only living parent.” Eventually, they would refuse to accept phone calls, e-mails and social media connections with B.M.


It was a Sunday evening. David drove out to retrieve I.O and I.F from a court-imposed visit. On the way home, the girls disclosed that P.H had been coming into their bedroom alone and “hugging them goodnight,” in ways that not only made them feel highly uncomfortable, but that hurt as well.  Ways they had never before experienced. They were crying, shaking. That they tried to protect themselves by pretending to sleep, or rolling up in blankets – by pushing him away, by calling for B.M, but P.H would cover their mouths, force them out of their shells and “hug” them in a way that they knew was wrong. It had been going on for some time – a month, maybe more. They reported that on several occasions, B.M stood in the door and watched, ignoring their cries. That they tried to get away, only to be put right back in bed, forcibly. I.O and I.F were abused in different ways, in different orders. It was just horrible.

Details of the abuse suffered by I.O and I.F will not be presented here. Additional information can be found in: (Reports from the Chief Child Psychologist of the French Supreme Court)and (Asylum Application Statement).

I.O and I.F had tried to tell B.M what had happened, but B.M refused to believe them. B.M insisted instead that “P.H is your stepdad and he can hug you any way he likes.”  B.M called the girls “liars” and “bitches” and refused to listen to them, all the while knowing full well what he had done to them.  B.M told I.O and I.F that “[P.H] is a good man, he cares about you, so just deal” and “you had better not tell your father about this either.” B.M had convinced the girls that, if they said anything to anyone, they would be taken away from their father David.


David was floored. He notified police and child protection authorities, sought medical attention and mental health support to help I.O and I.F cope with what had happened to them.  David knew he could face serious legal consequences for stopping access, but he had to protect his girls. David ensured that the responsible parties for the extracurricular activities the girls were involved in knew who to look out for and were prepared to protect them if need be. When B.M and P.H made a series of false police complaints, David stood up to the police. He refused to take I.O and I.F anywhere near B.M, and protected them as best he could.

But the police and child protection authorities made one mistake after another and, in the end, their negligence prevented a prosecution – P.H was never arrested or charged for what he did.  B.M even went on television and confessed that P.H had touched the Girls inappropriately and that he was sorry.  None of the authorities believed I.O and I.F, and none of them made time to properly investigate.  Despite having a ton of evidence, including medical and psychotherapist opinions, authorities paid so little attention to the case that it eventually fell apart.  Some of the authorities later apologized, others have not.  I.O and I.F were denied justice.  The trials continued and judges refused permission for I.O and I.F to speak or even attend court. I.O and I.F were muted. B.M married P.H just two months later. For the years that followed, B.M would file in the courts, the courts would refuse to hear from the girls, there would be a lack of evidence to support ending access because their girls were muted, and access would be ordered. Over and over again. Each time, David would refuse.

It carried on like this for almost two years. Not one judge would allow the girls to speak, but they passed orders against them. Not one police officer would properly investigate, but the police sure had no problem bullying and harassing the family whenever B.M and P.H would file a false complaint. Not one social services officer would bother with the case, but they had no problem investigating the dozens of false allegations made by B.M and P.H. Judges in Canada are entirely more enamoured with their own power than they are in justice or the safety of children. They refused to admit that they were wrong.

Final Blow

Then the final blow … a judge named Michael Gibson found that David was in contempt, and ordered that IO and IF would be forced to visit with B.M every other weekend, whether they liked it or not. He stipulated that the police were to use force if they failed to comply – to force them there and keep them there.

As an afterthought, the judge ordered that P.H may not be left alone with I.O and I.F – the same order that PH violated dozens of times before, that was in place when he sexually abused I.O and I.F, and the same order that the police refused to enforce.


The family had a dilemma, best explained by I.F:

”OK, so option (a) we obey the judge, go back to that place and end up being raped, or worse; or (b) we refuse to go, get beaten up by police, then be driven back to that place in the back of a police car and forced to stay while being raped, or worse; or (c) we run. We choose option C thanks.”

They knew that it would be very dangerous to stay in Canada.  One way or another, P.H would continue to get at them, especially if David was not there to protect them. The abuse would continue and most likely get more intense.  They had no way to protect themselves.  B.M had already told them that P.H could “hug” them any way he liked, and was going to became their stepdad.  The agencies that were supposed to protect them had left them twisting in the wind, their experience denied and unvalidated.  If they refused to follow the judge’s orders, the police would physically make them comply, using their favourite tools – intimidation and physical violence, as the Girls had already experienced.  I.F in particular, begged David to protect them from what B.M was doing to them.  They left that day.  They gave up a comfortable life among loving, caring family and friends.  They even gave up their pets.  They took only what they could carry in their backpacks and, with all the ports and borders closed due to the COVID pandemic, and without any other viable option, they fled for their safety.

Details about this – e.g. strategy, options, decisions they made, vehicle, money and other resources, the route they took, the identity of those who helped them along, etc. – are being withheld at this time. 

Saint Pierre et Miquelon

The archipelago of Saint Pierre et Miquelon (SPM) can be found approximately eleven kilometres south of the southern-most coast of Newfoundland’s Burin Peninsula, in the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. So, believe it or not, next to the USA, France is Canada’s closest geographic neighbour. There are approximately 6,000 inhabitants over six inhabited islands. Ownership went back and forth between the French and the British, often negotiated as one of many French surrender treaties. It was a rich fishery until recent history when the territorial waters of SPM were substantially limited. Everything there is French, very few speak English and even fewer speak it well.

There are French customs officials, police “gendarmerie,” government officials and courts. The euro is the official currency. It has its own area code (508). There are small hotels, bed and breakfast establishments, schools, churches, a downtown, bars and restaurants. It has its own economy, its own politics and political leadership. It is (supposed to be) completely autonomous from Canada; however, it relies on Canada as a freight-forward and logistical centre.

The best thing about SPM is that it is French territory, meaning it has to follow European Union (EU) law. Under EU law, children have the absolute right to address the courts, as they are able. They cannot be muted or shut out. I.O and I.F would inherit that right to be heard the moment their precious little feet stood on French soil, even if pursued by Canadian police. From where I.O, I.F and David were at the time, it took approximately 5,000 km by car, a two-hour domestic ferry, and a two-hour international ferry.

David has been accused by Canadian authorities of evading police; however, he has not answered to that charge. Accordingly, details of how they made it to Saint Pierre et Miquelon will not be published here, at this time.


The family’s escape generated a lot of publicity. The Niagara Regional Police, one of the agencies that outright refused to investigate the sexual abuse, or even speak to the girls, took out warrants and even reported I.O, I.F and David to Interpol. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Canada’s national police force) or RCMP, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and others distributed posters. Police started posting to Facebook and other social media that the family had been captured, David arrested, obviously not true. B.M did an interview with a local (to Niagara) news station and admitted that P.H had touched the girls inappropriately but that he was sorry.

The girls were impressed with their new found right to be heard. The family knew that their only option was to bring their plight directly to the people. That the police had taken to lying and publishing nonsense.  While they were in transit, David made guest appearances on radio and television shows, talk shows and call-in shows. I.O and I.F were active on social media and even published a few rudimentary videos. Inside of the first 72 hours ‘on the run’, the family had attracted about 30,000 supporters. Almost three hundred offers of assistance came in – e.g. places to hide, vehicles, clothing, money, etc. David was dubbed Superdad, by some of the supporters. The name stuck and is often used to this day. This website, WWW.RUNNINGAWAY.CA, was also established in its first version. Tens of thousands checked in every week. People were very supportive. The site exposed police and other authorities as being dishonest bullies.

Hundreds of supporters started calling in “sightings” to police, reporting that the family had been seen in various places. The family was spotted everywhere from Vancouver to the Avalon of Newfoundland, and all points in between. There were even reports of the family being on Mars, at the Pyramids in Egypt, etc. Some of the agencies that couldn’t be bothered with with the girls were inundated with phone calls from very unhappy citizens. T-shirts were printed and sold, and financial support flooded in. Whenever the police posted untrue information, the family was quick to correct it, live on the internet. The public grew more and more angry at police and authorities, and it was spilling out all over social media. The police were furious. Not only did the girls avoid being raped by court order, the police were exposed as non-sensical tyrants.

A group of volunteers came together to support I.O, I.F and David – raise funds, gather information, manage communications, circulate petitions, etc. That group, which cannot be named [see: Gag Orders] would later become Friends of Two Awesome Kids Foundation, the content creator of this website. 

Life in France

There came a time when a Canadian family of three, one adult male and two minor females, entered into French territory at Saint Pierre et Miquelon.  Details withheld at this time.

Some very important things happened in France.  David notified immigration officials in the “metropole” (mainland France) of their arrival. Almost immediately, the family appeared at the “prefecture,” (main government office for the archipelago) and formally requested asylum. Officials took statements, reviewed documents and confirmed eligibility. I.O, I.F and David were granted asylum (l’aisle), protection from Canada. I.O and I.F were appointed a lawyer to represent them. David formally retained excellent counsel. Despite this protection, the public prosecutor in SPM contacted Canada and let them know that I.O, I.F and David had been granted asylum.

Nations are required not to tell originating countries that their citizens have asked for asylum. It is simply not permitted – not in France, not in Canada and not by international law. What she did was vindictive and unlawful, but she was punished for it later.

The prosecutor would use her authority over police to have David arrested and the girls seized, but the courts consistently released him and caused the children to be returned – sometimes on the same day. The public prosecutor became the joke of the village. David would refuse to speak, and the girls would make the lives of their captors living hell. The public prosecutor wasn’t used to that kind of non-cooperation, she didn’t know what to do. David was consistently denied legal counsel, and Australian consular representation (David is also Australian), and the whole world was watching. Eventually, she made international news and several human rights watchdogs took interest. She was an embarrassment to the French people.

When the family wasn’t busy being arrested and seized, I.O and I.F started school, they all started learning French, I.F became fluent. I.O and I.F testified in court. Believe it or not, B.M had flown out to SPM and made an appearance in court as well. The judge ruled that she and her husband were a threat to the girls, that David was given custody of the girls. B.M was ordered to pay half of all expenses for the girls, B.M agreed. She never paid a cent. I.O and I.F were examined by physicians, audiologists, psychiatrists and formally assessed by the chief expert psychologist of the French Supreme Court. All agreed that I.O and I.F were truthful and that they had indeed been subjected to abuse. Chief court psychologist ordered I.O and I.F to remain with David, never have contact with B.M or P.H. Unfortunately, the judge did not have the authority to grant residence to the family, but they were safe in France, temporarily, while their application for asylum was being processed.

Later on, David was found not guilty of all offences by the highest court in the land. Canada lost at The Hague Convention tribunal, as well as the appeal, the courts siding with the security of the children. Courts ordered David and the girls not be separated. Secret correspondence was intercepted between the public prosecutor at SPM and the Attorney General of Ontario – illegal correspondence – implicating Canada in breaching international law and torture. The malicious prosecution by the public prosecutor, backed by Canada, will be made public on this website. Over a dozen Canadian officials were named by the European Union Commission on Human Rights as well as the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, further embarrassing Canada. Canadian authorities refused to accept the verdicts.  They invoked treaties and conventions with France and tried to destabilize the family’s position.

Another major event was the introduction of Anonymous Operation: Two Good Reasons (anonOp2GoodReasons). I.O and I.F put together a home video and distributed it on YouTube. A few weeks later and the “hacktivist group” known as Anonymous replied with a video of their own, exposing B.M and P.H. Several hack videos followed exposing the Niagara Regional Police, Family and Children Services Niagara and others. Information was also hacked out in France. The videos gave a glimpse into how corrupt these organizations really are. The same group ferreted out thousands of documents that will undoubtedly help David in his criminal matter. The funny part is that nobody has the slightest idea what is in store. A full page of this site is dedicated to following Anonymous as they ‘stand with their fists raised in anger’ on the side of I.O, I.F and David.

Disclaimer: The Foundation does not know the true identity of Anonymous Operation: Two Good Reasons (the “Anonymous”), or any other Anonymous for that matter. It has never communicated, contracted or transacted with Anonymous, directly or indirectly. The Foundation maintains a page on this site about Anonymous but is unable to link directly [see: Gag Orders]. We suspect they are likely aware 😉 …

One of the observations that I.O, I.F, David and A.N have all made throughout this experience is how dishonest, vindictive and downright cruel each of the agencies and their staff have behaved. Each and every one of them. The Foundation has, by various means, obtained a library of evidence, and is preparing to release all of it to the public at strategic times. Each of them has broken the law, lied and acted horribly toward the girls and their father. Peruse the section Cracks. The only question is why? Why on earth would people deliberately do this to children who had already been sexually abused? It really is insane.

So, time was running out in France. Canada had pushed the matter to the Supreme Court of France, and David had “advanced knowledge” of what the outcome was going to be. Plans were drafted to escape the archipelago; but one after another, they failed – mostly due to cowardice, disloyalty and dishonesty. The French tend to believe they are strong and mighty – hence the arrogance – but, in reality, they are like children in fear of their abusive father, the government. I.O, I.F and David were stashed away at a strategic location when the verdict arrived. As expected, David was cleared of everything but the court ruled that the family had no status and had to leave.

They had to leave and that posed a real problem. It read exactly as Canada had requested (yes, we have those documents too). The public prosecutor gave the family six weeks to wind up affairs and present for deportation, which was great because they would likely be gone by then. But when the family returned to their apartment, a French swat team was waiting. They shackled and beat David to a pulp, and took the girls at gunpoint. This public prosecutor was behind this. She was later defrocked for disobeying her own Supreme Court, and relieved of her post at SPM. She was sent to a war-torn, eastern European country to keep track of money sent by France for reconstruction.

Back in Canada SSR

I.O, I.F and David were all imprisoned, separately. They were not allowed to communicate. They were held until they could be returned to Canada in such a way that the girls could be considered “abandoned,” and picked up by children’s aid, who just happened to be waiting.David was arrested and moved from police detachment to police detachment for six days. He has said from the beginning of this that the RCMP treated him very well, and even made special efforts to accommodate him. He has nothing negative to say about the RCMP, except that their facilities are in desperate need of modernization. Regardless, the conduct of the officers was kind, gentile and at all times professional, even courteous. David also comments that he met many people who knew who he was, and who had nothing but kind words for him. Six days later, he was forced onto a plane staffed by the Niagara Regional Police.

Surprisingly, David was not thrown out the airplane door at obscene heights, as he expected. Instead, he was denied lifesaving diabetic medication, denied water and washroom facilities and placed in a holdings cell for days. The crown attorney tried everything in their power to keep David in jail; however, the justice of the peace saw through their nonsense and granted exceptionally merciful bail. David is now living about two hours away from Niagara. He was initially charged with four offences; however, two have been dropped. The remaining two are expected to be dealt with in early 2025, assuming they are not tossed out as well.

I.O and I.F were flown from the children’s prison in Newfoundland where they were being kept shortly after Anonymous published a series of videos publicizing where they were being stored, and presenting their situation around the world. Anonymous showed a picture of the house they were in, and even identified the window of the room where they were being kept. I.O and I.F were prevented from contacting David, A.N or others and, of course, that worked 😉 … On their arrival, I.O and I.F were taken by force by agents of a children’s aid authority that we cannot name [see: Gag Orders] and taken to Welland, Ontario, where they could be properly imprisoned for refusing to spend access time with their abusers. The girls have not had contact with their father because the organization holding them is cruel and power hungry, to say the very least.


What happened to I.O and I.F was terrible. But what the police, social services and the courts did to them after the fact was even more so. We demand accountability.

According to the government’s own statistics [here], ~4.7 million Canadian women have been sexually assaulted at least once since age fifteen; one in three women in Canada will experience unwanted sexual behaviour, one in four will experience sexual harassment in the workplace; one in seven Canadian girls under eighteen will be sexually assaulted; 87% of sexual perpetrators know their own victims; sex-related violence is the only violent crime not in the decline. These are the facts. Welcome to Canada.

Every police officer, child protection agent, court official, lawyer, teacher and every other position of trust should be ashamed – of themselves and the agencies for which they work. They turned their back on two girls that desperately needed help. They put them into a position where they had no choice but to run, then hunted them like dogs for running. We will expose them.

We are Friends of Two Awesome Kids Foundation. We support I.O, I.F and David, in their bid for freedom. We raise funds, spread awareness and publish the truth. After being forced offline for almost a year, RUNNINGAWAY.CA is back in this fourth incarnation – the heavily censored edition. Things change rapidly so subscribe or check back often.


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