Deadbeat Mom

B.M is a deadbeat mom. She hasn’t paid a cent to support I.O and I.F since 2015. She has contributed nothing to their health care, education, basic living, extracurricular activities, entertainment or anything else that kids need. David raised this with the family courts in Canada and they arrogantly waived him off – “We might deal with that later.” In France, failure to pay child support is a crime and can result in imprisonment. B.M stood right in front of the French judge when he ordered her to pay for half of all expenses for I.O and I.F, but she didn’t pay a single cent the whole time they were in Saint Pierre either. David has filed a criminal complaint. The matter is still outstanding.

We now have reason to believe that B.M and P.H may be fraudulently collecting the child tax credit and other funds meant for the kids. This investigation continues.


Child Support fr. 2015-2021: 72 mos. @ $654/mo. $47,088
Other Support fr. 2015-2018: 36 mos. @ $100/mo. $3,600
Pay to Debt fr. 2015-2021: 72 mos. @ $50/mo. $3,600
Half of Extracurricular fr. 2015-2021 –
(50% Jiu Jitsu (Both), $100/girl/mo. @ 72mos. = $7,200) +
(50% Roller Derby (I.F): $1,500/sunk + $50/mo @ 36mos. = $1,650) +
(50% Music (I.O), avg. $80/mo (three facilities) @ 72mos. = $2,880).
Now in French Territory:
Half of Monthly Costs for Kids for 21 Months –
(Kids Rent, 2/3 of €1200, Half = €400/mo.) +
(Kids Food, 2/3 of €800, Half = €266/mo.) +
(Kids Medical/Eyecare, €200, Half = €100/mo.) +
(Kids School/Extracuricular, €100/kid/mo., Half = €100/mo.) +
(Kids Legal Representation, average, Half = €1,000/mo.) +
(Kids Utilities, 2/3 of €200/mo, Half = €39/mo.) +
(Kids Clothing/Footwear, €100/kid/mo., Half = €100/mo.)

(so €2,005/mo. for 21 Months = €42,105, convert to CAD at 2003 average rate 1.4177:

TOTAL IN CANADIAN DOLLARS (AS OF MARCH 2023, see notes): $125,710

Notes: We are unable to continue calculating past March 2023 as publishing the details would violate the gag orders. Arrived in France in August 2021, Departed April 2023. Costs do not include automobile. Interest not calculated.


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