Where in the World

I.O and I.F are safe, at least to some extent – for the time being. Safe in the sense that they have, as far as we know, not been forced into contact with B.M and P.H While we know where they are, we are unable to publish their location or daily routine [see: Gag Orders]. Be sure to check out the direct feedback function at the bottom of this page.

We know that I.O and I.F:

  • have had all of their money, computers and electronic equipment seized;
  • have disclosed abuse, only to have those records washed;
  • are prohibited from using the internet;
  • are prohibited from using cell phones, e-mail, social media, etc;
  • have been subjected to bullying, harassment and intimidation;
  • (I.F) has been physically attacked, glasses smashed – reported to police, no action;
  • have been denied access to French-language instruction;
  • denied access to Spanish (I.F was taking up Spanish as her fourth language);
  • have been identified as gifted, but forced into a a basic life skills program;
  • forced to restart grade nine – two years behind where they left off in the French LycĂ©e system;
  • have had assessments, report cards from French high school cast aside;
  • no longer have extracurricular activities;
  • have never been permitted to attend court in Canada; (no judge has even seen their faces);
  • have been entirely silenced, except through one of the videos published by Anonymous;
  • have been marginally represented by seemingly disinterested lawyers;
  • are “represented” by lawyers who have been named as adverse parties in litigation.

All of this because they refused to be raped.

We know that David:

  • was separated at gunpoint from I.O and I.F in France, at the request of Canadian officials;
  • was denied a lawyer, denied consular representation – normal for the French;
  • refused to speak with French police and government authorities, this made them mad;
  • was imprisoned for a few days, without charge, shipped to Newfoundland, arrested on arrival;
  • moved from place to place for a week, likely dodging press, then flown by police to Ontario;
  • was held at Niagara Regional Police, Niagara Detention Centre, and OPP Cayuga;
  • was thrice refused diabetic medication (that he had with him), twice refused meals;
  • fell into diabetic coma, rescued by other prisoners – twice blood sugar dropped low;
  • was refused access to lawyer, no telephone for four four days;
  • was charged with four offences, two by Niagara and two by OPP;
  • two bail hearings, given very light bail conditions, very light;
  • is now living at an undisclosed location, hours outside of Niagara, awaiting trial;
  • wears (at his request) a surveillance bracelet to avoid further frame-ups by police;
  • is unable to work due to the outstanding charges, but is pursuing business interests;
  • has very little contact with people outside his inner circle;
  • may have had something to do with the development of this website.

All of this because he refused to allow his two awesome kids to be further abused.



We are working on a mechanism whereby you can e-mail your feedback to the “people” responsible for these horrible circumstances, without knowing who they are [see: Gag Orders]. When we have a solution that works, and is entirely compliant, we will build the interface here for your convenience.


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