Canada, Embarrassed in Italy

With Files from Signal High News Corporation

More and more it seems that the Canadian justice system is taking sides with child molesters, rapists and pedophiles while, at the same time, arming up and maliciously prosecuting anyone who tries to protect their children. Some families have fled Canada, seeking asylum abroad. These supermoms, superdads, supergrannies, etc. are telling their stories around the world, and Canada is embarrassed to say the least. Some are even telling foreign courts and officials all about I.O, I.F and David, all about RUNNINGAWAY.CA – all as part of their asylum application.


Tony Boxer (T.B, “Tony”), not his real name, used to live just outside Hamilton, Ontario. He was single (amicably separated) with shared custody of his daughter, Sally Boxer (S.B, “Sally”), not her real name. Tony was getting his life organized and putting some distance between himself and his physically abusive father – a clergyman of a nearby church, and senior police officer with a nearby police service.

Reverend Boxer (R.B), not his real name, was irate that Tony refused to raise S.B in his church, in his faith. He sent police officers to report on Tony. He tried to say Tony was “crazy,” and “unfit to be a parent.” When that didn’t work, he caused the local children’s aid authority (who had never met Tony or S.B) to file false reports. And when that didn’t work, he falsified police reports to frame Tony for crimes he was nowhere near. He gave false statements and perjured himself in court. He threatened S.B’s mother. Eventually, R.B was able to fabricate enough that S.B was ordered seized by the local children’s aid society and placed into the loving and pastoral care that only R.B, the good reverend, could deliver. R.B made sure that Tony was kept away from S.B by sending his uniformed henchmen to threaten him, often.

Understandably, it was all too much for Tony. He fled for his own protection, and R.B followed him, police henchmen in tow, all the way to the airport, just to make sure he left. Tony fled to Italy and was granted asylum, protection from Canada. Tony has since presented hundreds of documents and, as part of his submission to the Corte Suprema di Cassazione d’Italia (Italy’s top court), Tony read into the court record a statement about I.O, I.F and David. The court accepted his statement and condemned both Canada and France for their roles in the madness.

This is what was said (translated from Italian):

74. A very good father and dear friend of mine [—David—] is one such father and his daughters [—I.O—] and [—I.F—] were horribly treated at the hands of the French on the island of Saint Pierre off the coast of Canada that belongs to France. They ran there to escape Canada for the same reasons I ran to Italy. But at the price of an innocent child’s life and future that France wanted they exchanged [—David—] and his daughters by making completely illegal court orders forcing this family who was under protection back to Canada with no way to go somewhere else. I was on a call with the girls while the French police beat the shit out of [—David—] outside the house, knowing Canada asked them to do it. All I wanted was to jump into the internet and show up on the other side and fight to the death for my fellow Canadians and all I could do was listen and try to keep those poor girls calm as possible while we all heard it all happening.

75. During the next couple of days, the girls were alone in a hotel room, no word of their father at all or his condition. Social workers forcing them to keep the room door open. [—I.F—] would talk to me from the toilet so the social workers couldn’t listen in. Telling me how she and her sister were doing. I did all I could to keep them calm, to reassure them and advise them on next steps. Those girls are so brave, they have been through so much. They kept it together and did as I instructed without hesitation.

76. Unfortunately, the girls were sent to [—gag order to conceal government action—], their father was refused medical treatment by French authorities and was placed on the ferry back to Canada where he was handed over to Canadian Police. They forced the girls back to Ontario but not before they moved their father to Ontario for court. I have a recording of the hearing for this court.

77. For several days after this I provided assistance to the friends and family of [—David—] and the girls. I spoke with the girls in the foster home and we continued to make plans to help them get reunited with their father. How to speak with the social workers and how to force them to let them go back to their dad. But eventually they were sent back to the same people that took my daughter [—Sally—] from me and all communication with the girls went dark because they have been refused communications except where given permission to do so and under careful watch.

78. I spoke to my lawyer, I spoke to the [—Italian Immigration Authorities—], I begged for help, please help my friends, send police send the military help this family please! I begged them! It was not ok and something had to be done and fast.

79. This court needs to understand that Canada is not just a country where child trafficking is happening, it is a country whose authorities use these previous and innocent children as sex toys! Those girls [—I.F—] and [—I.O—] have been sexually assaulted. That is why they ran. So please understand just how desperate I was to protect this family. To help them. They are my friends. This is the real face of Canada.


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