(002) Police Reform – Now

(this petition is posted to www.change.org – https://chng.it/77LD8RfdZn)



(five minute read)


Things have changed.  The reality is that relations between police and the communities has deteriorated significantly over the last few decades.  Police have been exposed for their acts of brutality, barbarism, corruption and incompetence.  Movements like Occupy, Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police underscore a real resentment of police and government authorities, an erosion of trust and confidence.  Some say demands for police reform have gone unanswered.  Police are unable to keep up with changes to technology, and stiffer penalties mean criminals are more likely to fight back and run.  Respect for police is at an all-time low and they have only themselves to blame.

The Friends of Two Awesome Kids Foundation, to contribute to this important conversation, has assembled a list of measures that could really improve things.  The time for change is now.

This compilation is dedicated to the Niagara Regional Police Force, what we feel is the most disgusting and corrupt law enforcement agency in Canada, maybe even the world.  The antics of this bereft band of domestic terrorists, gangsters and thugs has been explored not only in our website, but internationally thanks to the hacktivist group Anonymous.

So, here we go.


WE THE UNDERSIGNED DEMAND, in the interest of the safety and security of our communities, immediate and comprehensive reform to policing in our province, SPECIFICALLY that the following measures be enacted forthwith:


  • Police should have their own tax, like property or school tax.  Ratepayers can assess the true cost of policing, not guess through complex and secretive funding models.
  • Roles will be split: functions like court security, school security, prisoner transport, etc. will fall under a separate Sheriff, not police.
  • Police jurisdiction will overlap, people can choose the one they want to deal with.
  • The Sheriff, Chief of Police and Crown Attorney will be elected.
  • Justices of the Peace will also be elected.
  • Judges will only be eligible to serve for ten years.
  • An independently verified petition of 15% of the population removes the Chief, Sheriff, Crown Attorney, Justice of the Peace or Judge.
  • There shall be a public safety board directly elected, sized proportionate to population, to supervise police and sheriff.
  • The board shall have exclusive authority to hire, terminate, conduct performance reviews, deal with public complaints, inspect and approve budgets, supervise spending, etc.
  • Police shall be paid in part by conviction rate and other benchmarks – performance.
  • Pay for police officers shall be substantially reduced.  More can be hired.

Stop Bullying, Hold Police Accountable

  • Police shall wear body cameras that can not be turned off.  Video shall be publicly available, automatically.
  • Every police officer shall carry, at their own expense, liability insurance for five million dollars.
  • Lawsuits over that shall be paid by the police pension fund.
    Every person detained but not actually arrested (e.g. harassed, carded, etc) shall be paid $200.
  • Every person arrested but not charged shall be paid $500.
  • Every person charged but not convicted shall be paid $200 per day plus.
  • Every person charged and held but not convicted shall be paid $1,200 per day.
  • Criminal trials must be concluded within a year of arrest.
  • There will be no pay on suspension.

Code of Conduct

  • Acts of fraud, deceit, perjury, covering up, failure to report shall result in immediate dismissal.
  • Bullying, abusive conduct, threatening, excessive force shall be treated as a crime – because it is one.
    Suspensions for internal matters shall be 30, 60, 90 days and termination.
  • Any suspension shall be followed by automatic demotion to basic rank for one year.
  • Conviction or criminal finding of guilt means dismissal.

Recruiting and Hiring

  • The board has ultimate authority over hiring but Chief/Sheriff and Union have a Veto.
  • Candidates must live (or relocate) to the community if hired.
    Twelve letters of reference from (each) business owners, teachers, doctors, etc. but not police officers – all public.
  • Three people non-related place a $10,000 bond against termination on probation.
  • Academy is 6 months in class, 6 months shadowing, three years probation.
  • Candidates will live homeless for a week, away from home.
  • Candidates to work two days at: out of the cold, senior centre, public school, small retail business, psychiatric ward, immigrant processing centre, suicide helpline, etc.  Each may pass or fail.
  • Each must interview with victim of police violence, pass or fail.
  • Emphasis on emotional and cultural health equal to physical health.
  • Hiring for detectives in a different stream than uniform.
  • Technology, communication essential.

Quality Control

  • All personnel will be subject to random drug tests, 3x yearly – fail and dismissed.
  • Police will pass fitness tests, medicals every three years.
  • Instead of commanders portraits, photos with apologies shall be hung in the hallways of police stations.
  • Meeting rooms, gyms and other facilities can be rented by community groups – e.g. child crafts clubs.
    No badge or gun when off duty, no powers.
  • Big name tags on all sides, first and last.  Riot shields as well.
  • Must give business cards on demand.
  • Paramilitary uniforms out – replace with casual golf shirts, etc.
  • No more ranks – instead roles e.g. supervisor, shift manager, etc.
  • Very public and free provincial database to track infractions.
  • Public shall be addressed formally unless otherwise asked.
  • When police officer is convicted of a crime, ten percent added to verdict.

Scope of Work

  • No more welfare checks, COVID enforcement, school security, elite bodyguarding, etc.
  • Tactical response coordinated by Sheriff.

Updates will follow. The product of this petition will be sent to the parties named above, and published on the website www.runningaway.ca.

You can contact us directly at friends@runningaway.ca.


Updates will follow. The product of this petition will be sent to the parties named above, and published on the website www.runningaway.ca.

You can contact us directly at friends@runningaway.ca.


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