Not Guilty

Support for David, I.O and I.F has never been stronger.

In April, 2024, two of the four charges David is facing were dropped. For the others, David has selected to be tried by a jury of his peers, not that he wants to be tried at all. It is clear that the crown prosecutors in charge of this case are angry at their embarrassment and not thinking clearly about the law and public interest. This page presents some of the thousands of comments received when they first fled. Some were posted to an online forum while others were sent by e-mail and other means. These comments come from “the peers” that will preside at a jury trial.

Note that names have been stripped and some content censored [see: Gag Order].

“… just spotted [David, I.O and I.F], all the way out in Manitoba. Got gas in Winnipeg. I called it in. Praying for you guys.”

“Saw Superdad and daughters heading to Alaska with that judge in the trunk. Told the RCMP.”

“I have a separate apartment in my house you can have as long as you want for free. I can hide you until this all dies down. God bless you Superdad.”

“I have clothing for all seasons for the twins and can send them anywhere you want.”

“How can I send some money?”

“Finally a man stands up for his children. Anything we can do to help Superdad.”

“That same kind of thing happened to my niece. It is such B.S. The cops and lawyers don’t give a shit about kids. So angry the police did nothing. You are in our prayers. God bless you three.”

“It makes me so mad that [David] gets charged when the police did nothing, nothing, nothing to help. The whole system is screwed.”

“I think the police should go after [B.M] for this. [David] is totally innocent keep on going Superdad.”

“Hats off to Superdad [David]. He did what had to be done. Not guilty for sure.”

“We should all be calling those lying cops and that idiot judge. I just called the sheriffs and told them I saw you having a picnic out by the tar sands.”

“I can’t believe [B.M] did that. What kind of a mother would do that?”

“Your proof is outstanding. It gives your web site serious credibility. I hope you get through this together and safe.”

“We have family in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and NS. You can stay with us all my email is [redacted]. We are behind you all the way Superdad.”

“How do I donate to your fund? Christ this is awful.”

“Saw SD and the babes hoverboarding on the 401 by Oshawa. Called the cops. Waited around. They sent like ten cop cars. lol fuckin losers.”

“The government in Ontario has a lot to answer for. That fat bastard Ford cares four fifths of fuck all about children.”

“I have a [make and model of car censored], was my husband’s and works perfect. It’s yours. Just call if you need it I am in [redacted]. God you have guts Superdad.”

“Had some friends over and spent the afternoon calling crime stoppers in about twenty different places. Reported seeing Superdad and the twins all over. Never mess with an angry grandmother.”

“The mounties didn’t believe me when I told them I saw [David] walking on Lake Superior.”

“When did the cops become the gatekeepers for justice? It seems to me that [David] did the right thing. He should get a medal.”

“I just told the police I saw you in Calgary at a Walmart there. I didn’t but what the hell, us dads have to stick together. Keep running – run like hell!!”

“Dads are watching you across the country Superdad. You are a total fucking hero. For every minute you are on the run its one more brick we can through at children’s aid.”

“Anonymous just hacked out a bank and a bunch of government computers. Holy shit. That’s fucking awesome.”

“Superdad and his kids are in B.C. whale watching. Saw it for myself. Told the RCMP. Run!”

“Saw them out at Fogo, all of them innocent as hell.”

“Superdad [David] saved his kids. Enough said.”

“If we had more people like [David] child abuse wouldn’t be the thing it is.”

“Sounds like some of those in charge out there in Ontario need to have the shit beaten out of them, starting with the DA.”

“So the cops are pissy that [David] got away? But they didn’t move one inch off their fat asses to do something about his kids being assaulted. WTF??? So sick of this shit.”

“I can’t believe you got Anonymous on your side. Holy shit those guys are legend and if they keep going they are going to kick some serious ass.”

“Sooo much backroom dealing, secrets and lies. You were right on when you said [David] embarrassed them. I just thought Canada was above all that. Guess not.”

“I agree. Canada has acted despicably. There better be a big payout.”

“[David] wanna get married? Seriously. Pictures attached. I have a really good son and he could use a father like you. Hell I think everyone could use a man like you. I am 27/5’2/110lbs and serious.”

“… and they never spoke to the kids? Holy moly that’s beyond negligent, that’s just disgusting. We have the RCMP out here and they’re not much better, but not even speaking with the kids, that’s just bad. No wonder they ran.”

“Saw on FB that the police gotcha but then saw 10 seconds later you say they didn’t. Well you couldn’t be posting stuff on FB if you were under arrest. So the cops are lying about that too. Fucking liars. No way [David] goes down for this.”

“This Osti guy sounds like a real scumbag cop. And the police chief out there, what a man whore. I think its disgusting that he uses his power like that. Fucking creep.”

“[David] is what all men should try to be.”

“And the cops never spoke to the kids? And they put Superdad [David] on Interpol? It’s like enemy of the state or something. I vote innocent. I am so pissed off, I vote defund the police.”

“Fucking [Niagara Regional Police] are crooked as hell. Always have been, always will be. They should be shut down for good. Freedom for Superdad.”

“It’s like the first cop screwed up and every one after that one just didn’t bother to do their homework. I mean it’s gotta be a joke of some kind.”

“Yes. Exactly. It is like cops playing broken telephone. I hope this makes the news.”

(Translated from French) “Everybody here on Saint Pierre is behind you. We are think you very courageous. But be careful because the government here is control and they kiss up to canada. be safe.”

“Hopefully [David] will get enough money to change children’s aid. They are all such bastards. They are so arrogant. They lie and lie. Then kids die in their jails. Good luck [David] we will be following this every step.”

“Charged?? What can they charge you with? Giving up everything to say your children from being raped after going to police six times?”

“I agree. One corrupt uncaring cop after the other. What a joke. [David] did what every dad should do: protect his children.”

“My ten year old son wants to change his name to [David].”

“I saw that too. The Niagara Police said [David] was arrested but [David] was online like 2 seconds later himself saying he wasn’t. Corrupt cops.”

(Translated from German) “That bitch should rot in hell.”

“I know the family. I know those girls. It’s all true and police could care less. And the FACS knew about it too and they didn’t do a thing. And they had to evacuate. And this happens to a lot of people at [St. Catharines, Ontario]. And we keep putting up with it for some unknown reason.”

“If it wasn’t for all the scanned documents I wouldn’t believe it. But I have read through it and I truly know it is real. Unbelievably horrific but real. [David] you are for certain a super dad.”

“every child in some small way wishes [David] was their dad”

“Good for him. Now that’s a real man right there.”

“with all the abusers in the world, cops go after the one true hero”

“What kind of judge does that? Dude should be fired out of a cannon.”

(Translated from Italian) “This is why Canada is heading fast into the toilet – it’s all about control and never about children and their families. I have never seen a country become so unpopular so fast. Trudeau maybe?”


In the first ten days on the run, [I.O, I.F and David] received more than 300 offers of material support (cars, places to stay, money, clothing, etc). They received more than 10,000 messages of support, wishing them luck, and they were “sighted” by hundreds all across the country, including reports from mars and the great pyramids. They raised thousands and thousands of dollars, enough to survive in that despotic French outpost for almost two years. Combined, they list over 60,000 supporters.


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