(001) Give Children their Voice in Canada

(this petition is posted to www.change.org – https://chng.it/T4gfqDVzhQ)


  • Prime Minister of Canada
  • Justice Minister
  • First Ministers
  • Attorneys General of the Provinces and Territories
  • Ministers Responsible for Children


In 2021, CHANGE.ORG hosted several petitions that advocated for two young girls fleeing Canada with their father. The girls had been sexually abused by their mother’s boyfriend, and their mother knew all about it. A judge, without ever hearing from the girls, without ever laying eyes on them, ordered them to routinely visit the place where they were abused, knowing full well that their abuser would likely be present. Then the judge empowered the police to enforce his order.  

The girls had no choice, they ran away. Years later the girls sit in a prison for children for disobeying the judge’s order, for refusing to give access to their abusers. We believe it is time for change. We believe that if the girls, now fifteen, had been allowed to participate in court, the outcome would be different.

It’s 100% true.  Visit www.runningaway.ca to get all the facts.


When it comes to justice in Canada, children have no voice. They are systematically excluded from the courts, even when the matter is pertinent to them – e.g. divorce, custody, etc.  Each province has its own configuration of age ranges and exceptions, but arrogant judges often assert their preference and preclude young people from participating.

Younger children are almost never heard from. Children are instead “represented” by disinterested lawyers who are paid to push the agenda of government agencies that profit from the kids doing as they wish, not what is best for the child. It is a disgusting mess and children suffer.

The European Union (E.U) and other progressive democracies have enshrined in their charters and constitutions protections that all children have the right to directly address the courts, to the best of their age and ability; and that children are entitled to the lawyer of their choice. We should do that too.  Now.


  1. All children should have a voice – their voice!
  2. All children should have the right to participate at any court when it pertains to them, and to have a representative of their choice.
  3. Any child who is unable, should be able to get help from a friend or family member of their choice.
  4. Anyone who attempts to exclude, sway or manipulate the testimony of children is a criminal and should be punished.
  5. The wishes and desires of the child SHALL be implemented. Period.

Updates will follow. The product of this petition will be sent to the parties named above, and published on the website www.runningaway.ca.

You can contact us directly at friends@runningaway.ca.


Updates will follow. The product of this petition will be sent to the parties named above, and published on the website www.runningaway.ca.

You can contact us directly at friends@runningaway.ca.


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